Saturday, January 22, 2011

Belated resolutions and some new starts...

Hello readers...if there are any out there!  This January marks the beginning of a very important year in my life.  This March is my 30th birthday and on October 7th I get to marry the man of my dreams, Jeffrey. With these two very important events in mind, I have decided that it's time to make some changes, and hopefully improvements in my life.  Of course, there are the usual resolutions such as eat better, lose weight, try to be more positive, etc.  More importantly however, I would like to work on developing a better sense of self.  Despite all of the wonderful things that have happened lately, I've felt myself feeling stagnant and in need of some kind of emotional outlet.  Don't get me is definitely good right now.  It's just that sometimes I feel like my everyday like is just going through the motions of things...waking up, taking a shower, going to work, coming home, going to sleep, and starting all over again in the morning.  I have so many thoughts and ideas but over the years have lost the ambition and desire to do anything about it.  Perhaps I'm just afraid to try because actually doing something means the possibility of failure.  I always go back to this quote by Joseph Conrad from his short story Youth:

"Desperately seeking something out of life which, while it is expected, is already gone." 

This year, I choose to actively seek things.  To explore my ambitions and develop as a person.  As a step in the right direction, I am going to start keeping a blog.  A place to release my thoughts and ideas, develop creatively, and probably (to be honest) post silly stories and pictures from my life.  So...that's all I have for today.  Thanks for reading and hopefully I will have more to post soon.



  1. I'm reading Courtney! Good luck with the blogging! It really can be fun and a wonderful outlet. I have found a wonderful support system has developed from my blog and with my blog friends. It's great!

    Good luck with finding happiness and reaching new goals. It can be hard to break free of the monotony of life, but for you I think it would probably be a relief and great change!

    P.S. The time you posted this post (2:57pm) is a great number!!!


  2. Ignore the second P.S. - I was on my iPhone and apparently, it was being naughty!
